Its all over and done with!
The celebrations of 'Bhogali Bihu' or 'Magh Bihu' is over and life in the state is beginning to limp back to normal. People are still trying to shake off the stupor of the past couple of days of merrymaking and gorging themselves on food!
But that's how Bihu is celebrated in Assam. Everything is put on hold. All that matters is how the celebrations are going to be carried out. Discussions are centred around the site of the Bhelaghar, its design, mind you, there are a lot of creative guys around, this year there were a few eye openers! Like the crude replica of the 'Titanic', all made out of hay and bamboo and then there was this one show casing the 'Rang Ghar', the Ahom amphitheatre.
Another important aspect of this Bihu, which attracts alot of discussions, is the height of the 'mezi', the stacking of fire-wood. One group competing with another to arrange the highest stack of fire-wood! All done with a feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood.
And the fun at level of the village? Mind boggling! Imagine a horde of people descending into a pond and fishing? This has to be seen to be believed. There are no prizes for catching the biggest fish, but a subtle recognition of the persons' skill. This is community fishing during 'Rongali Bihu' or 'Magh Bihu'. Everyone joins in. The young and old, men and women. Its fun time!
Then there is the 'buffalo fights'. Just for a moment, imagine two full grown, massive animals bearing down on each other with heads lowered, nostrils flared and eyes locked, clashing head-on, like two locomotives. The sight is enough to send the spectators in a frenzy! This fight for supremacy between the animals continues till one gives up and decides to call it a day! Here it may get a bit tricky for the spectators. As the vanquished animal bolts, it doesn't really care about direction. The only thought playing on its mind is escape and this it tries to achieve by simply running as far as possible from the other. And in the process, there is every possibility of trampling the spectators, who are sometimes so engrossed by the whole spectacle, that they fail to take evasive action and end up getting injured, sometimes seriously. But believe it or not, these injuries, if they happen, are borne with pride and fondness rather than guilt and anger!
Two birds, with razor sharp back-pointing talons and with sharp knives tied to their feet, jumping and lounging at each other repeatedly, trying to cause maximum damage, that's 'cock-fight' for you! Cheered on by the onlookers, the birds go crazy, trying all the more to maim or kill the other. The fight ends when one bird is too injured to carry on and refuses to get up. Well its winner takes it all! Its surprising, how a mild cock can get so aggressive. But then the world is full of surprises!
On a more sedate note, there are the fights between 'mynahs' and also 'egg-fights'. All in all, its a time for enjoying the bounty provided by the Gods.
The actual atmosphere of 'Bhogali Bihu' can only be felt and experienced in the Assamese villages and this year it has not been any less. People try to duplicate the celebrations in the towns and cities of Assam, but sadly, how can you create something on artificiality? The ambiance is just not there!
Till next time!!